企业文化是盛大电气在长期生产经营中倡导、积累,经过筛选提炼成的,是我们的灵魂和潜在的生产力,是打造企业核心竞争力的战略举措。 Enterprise culture is created by Shengda Electronice during the long term manufacturing and operating process, through advocating, accumulating, sifting and refining. lt is our soul and potential productivity, and is a strategic measure for building the enterprise’s core competitiveness. 使命:致力于为客户提供优质的电器配套产品和服务 Mission:Aiming at provide customers with high quality electricat complete and service. 愿景:不断超越,成就盛大卓越品牌 Vision:Making progress ceaselessly, and building an excellent Shengda brand. 核心价值观:内修品质 外修终端 Core Value:lmproving inner morality, and cultivating outer quality. 经营理念:细节决定成败 Management Concept:Detail is the key to success. 服务理念:只有不完美的产品,没有挑剔的客户 Service Principle:There is only imperfect product, with no captious customer. |